next level SPEAKERSHIP
Develop your team’s speaking presence to cut through the noise, connect, and be remembered through changing times.
Develop your team’s speaking presence to cut through the noise, connect, and be remembered through changing times.
These are not simple times. Not only are we in a time of change, but the pace of change is increasing. Rarely do we embark on a project that resolves with one good answer.
Frequently, we find ourselves in the messy middle along the path to where we want to go without a clear understanding of who is standing with us, where they are coming from, and if we’re all looking in the same direction.
How do we find our way through to the other side?
We speak with each other.
Built on principles from public speaking, brain science, and ageless narrative wisdom, MasterSpeaker Lab supports people to not only stand up with presence and say something but to lay the groundwork with their words, follow up with repeated messages, and communicate through the inevitable pivots along the way.
MasterSpeaker Lab works at the cross-section of public speaking, neurology, and purposeful leadership.
We are not just a one-time boost but a resource for continued growth.
We don’t just answer, “What do I do with my hands,” but “How do I create more confidence?”
We go beyond a presentation recipe and provide expert guides with multiple frameworks to clarify your next communication steps.
What speakership skills do you need your team to have today?
These are not simple times. Not only are we in a time of change, but the pace of change is increasing. Rarely do we embark on a project that resolves with one good answer.
Frequently, we find ourselves in the messy middle along the path to where we want to go without a clear understanding of who is standing with us, where they are coming from, and if we’re all looking in the same direction.
How do we find our way through to the other side?
We speak with each other.
Built on principles from public speaking, brain science, and ageless narrative wisdom, MasterSpeaker Lab supports people to not only stand up with presence and say something but to lay the groundwork with their words, follow up with repeated messages, and communicate through the inevitable pivots along the way.
MasterSpeaker Lab works at the cross-section of public speaking, neurology, and purposeful leadership.
We are not just a one-time boost but a resource for continued growth.
We don’t just answer, “What do I do with my hands,” but “How do I create more confidence?”
We go beyond a presentation recipe and provide expert guides with multiple frameworks to clarify your next communication steps.
What speakership skills do you need your team to have today?
These are not simple times. Not only are we in a time of change, but the pace of change is increasing. Rarely do we embark on a project that resolves with one good answer.
Frequently, we find ourselves in the messy middle along the path to where we want to go without a clear understanding of who is standing with us, where they are coming from, and if we’re all looking in the same direction.
How do we find our way through to the other side?
We speak with each other.
Built on principles from public speaking, brain science, and ageless narrative wisdom, MasterSpeaker Lab supports people to not only stand up with presence and say something but to lay the groundwork with their words, follow up with repeated messages, and communicate through the inevitable pivots along the way.
MasterSpeaker Lab works at the cross-section of public speaking, neurology, and purposeful leadership.
We are not just a one-time boost but a resource for continued growth.
We don’t just answer, “What do I do with my hands,” but “How do I create more confidence?”
We go beyond a presentation recipe and provide expert guides with multiple frameworks to clarify your next communication steps.
What speakership skills do you need your team to have today?
What is Speakership?
What is Speakership?
“Speakership” goes beyond mere public speaking and embraces a holistic strategy to guide and connect to others with your words.
Whether speaking from a virtual space or an auditorium, giving an elevator pitch, or engaging in a high-stakes conversation, Speakership is focusing your power through your words and body towards an intentional purpose.
Speakership is embodied presence, skillful language, and having skills to manage your mindset in real time.
Without skillful words what will be lost? With choiceful speakership, what can you create?

It’s a tough time for communication in general, but it’s also not the time to shy away.
It’s a tough time for communication in general, but it’s also not the time to shy away.
We start with you, highlighting the skills you already have.
Through training and coaching based on principles from neurology, psychology, and biology, MasterSpeaker Lab supports growth-minded leaders and teams to communicate with presence as they navigate change and guide their communities toward their vision of the future.
We train communicators not just for one stellar performance on a stage but for consistent and upgraded speaking skills in body language, meeting structure, presentation strategy, navigating surprises, question asking, and building rapport.
Our Vision is for every leader—with or without a title— to have consistent access to tools, support, and skills for impactful presenting as well as navigating their relationships with leadership presence.
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the levels of your systems.”
—James Clear, Atomic Habits
We believe great speaking takes attention, experience, and repetition. Just as a musical prodigy or a sports star took time for mastery, our programs are built for practice through time, participation is expected, and we get results.
We believe that “the way you do something is the way you do everything.” Whether someone is conversing with a client or standing in front of a packed auditorium, there are principles of great speaking that can be trained at every level.
We see that there are principles of spoken communication that are true across cultures, but that each communicator has their own individual skills, style, and path forward. Our groups and individual sessions give an opportunity for every voice to be heard.
Our Programs

What happens when you’re suddenly in a leadership position, but you didn’t plan on being the one speaking up or being listened to?
In a world where communication holds immense power, “Speakership” goes beyond mere public speaking and embraces a holistic approach to guiding others with your words.
Drawing upon stories of family dynamics, work dilemmas, and TEDx speakers backstage, Speakership Is Leadership presents a thought-provoking exploration of the multifaceted nature of speaking.
Whether you’re an aspiring public speaker, a team leader, or simply seeking to make a difference, this book is your go-to, practical guide. It will inspire you to step onto your chosen stages and amplify your voice through the art of speakership.
Master Speaker Lab Praise
In their own words…
Every now and then, you work with someone who is so truly gifted and skilled at what they do that you gain a sincere appreciation for their position. Margaret is one of those amazing people who is not only able to quickly mentally digest complex concepts, she’s able transform, refine, and restructure them in such a way as to make their communication effective. I was honored to have had the pleasure of working with Margaret in preparation for my TEDxSaltLakeCity talk and much of her influence is directly present in its final rendering. I would wholeheartedly endorse her for any and all aspects of communication, public relations, and public speaking strategy functions. She is a rock star.
I had the privilege of getting acquainted with Margaret when I reached out to her about speaking at our virtual Women in Technical Infrastructure (WITI) Meetup during COVID-19. From the minute we connected, we hit it off. Margaret is extremely personable and I truly enjoyed brainstorming relevant topics for this event with her. We settled on Confidence for Critical Conversations and it was fantastic! We had amazing attendee participation throughout the event with tons of virtual engagement. That is saying a lot when everyone has Zoom-fatigue! After the one hour presentation, I received countless messages from people who enjoyed Margaret’s relatable approach and immediately applicable content. In fact, an SVP reached out to thank me for securing such an incredible speaker because she received so many tips for an upcoming speaking engagement she had the following week. If you get the opportunity to work with Margaret, seize it! I know I will be staying connected to her for years to come.
Margaret has trained hundreds of TEDx speakers, but I believe her greatest value is helping people improve their everyday communication skills. Her process helps you get out of your own way so you can be yourself, spend less time preparing for meetings and calls, have greater confidence, and get the results you want. Whether you’re an executive giving presentations or just want to improve your skills working with and leading teams, Margaret gives you the tools to deliver your Everyday TED Talks.
Margaret is an incredible leader.
Over the past three years, Margaret has been an invaluable resource to me in my role as the Chair of the Board of a not-for-profit organisation. Margaret brought together a group of people that all volunteer in related organisations, and inspired us to communicate openly with each other, to learn from each other, and to maintain these new connections across a vast geographical distance (international!). Margaret has a talent for facilitating free wielding discussions, drawing out the key ideas, identifying the right people to focus on these ideas, and then holding us all accountable to follow up and turn these ideas into something tangible. Through Margaret’s leadership, my own Board has become a stronger group, and our connections to similar Boards is a change that I believe will last much longer than any of our individual terms.
Thank you Margaret!
I’ve had the privilege to get to know Margaret and attend several of her workshops and presentations. She has an authentic heart for leading others to uncover and communicate their passion. Margaret guides them through the process of telling their story in such a way that the audience is transported into the story and they can feel every emotion of the moment. She demonstrates and teaches the ideas behind public speaking for the highest level of connection, the message and the greatest impact to the audience. Margaret has my highest recommendation!